With over 1,000 UNESCO World Heritage Sites (and growing), it’s hard to choose which ones to visit! These sites top the most breathtaking of the bunch.
Forget about traveling in August: “Septober” it is
Most of us love the arrival of summer and everything that comes with it. Especially our summer holidays! It’s common to book a trip in August. We don’t have responsibilities, we have some time off from work or from studying, and the weather is great! However, expert travelers know that the perfect time to travel […]
How To Feel Like A Tourist In Your Hometown
It can be a real downer when all of your friends are off traveling and you’re stuck working. Plan your own “staycation” adventures and become a tourist in your hometown!
Tips to safely roadtrip with your dog
Going on a trip while having a dog is hard. This is why we thought you should take it with you! We tell you how to roadtrip with your dog and do it safely!
The Top Destinations You Shouldn’t Visit
Some of the most beautiful treasures that might be on your bucket list, are actually destinations you shouldn’t travel to. Help out the locals and skip a visit to these four popular spots!
Replacing short-distance flights with train-traveling
Short-distance flights turn out to be extremely contribution to global warming. This is why the dutch government is deciding to forbid short flights and replace them with train trips.