We’re always going to have new things to learn when traveling, especially if you don’t have that much experience yet. Any extra help is always welcome, so we bring you some travel hacks that will make your life easier.
They are super useful tips you might have not thought about but that will save your life more often than not. Keep reading, and before you know it you’ll be an expert traveler!
Eating light before flying
If you’re going to catch a plane we recommend you eat lightly before getting on it. This is because eating heavily creates more gas inside your stomach. It’s not necessarily a bad thing except for the fact that when you get on a plane the pressure change causes those gases to expand. This can cause you a lot of pain, and you will definitely not enjoy your flight. So now you know, keep away from heavy food before catching a flight!

Minimizing jet lag
If you’re taking a flight in which you land in a different time zone, you will most likely suffer from jet lag. And although there’s no way to completely avoid it, there are some tips you can follow to minimize discomfort.
Certain flights will make it easier for you to adjust to the time differences. For example, it you take a flight where you land in the afternoon or the evening, you will not have to stay up for very long and you can just go to sleep. These are the best flights to take, as, if you were to land in the morning, you’d have to stay up for the entire day. Your eye bags will definitely not thank you.

Another great tip to beat jet lag, is leaving your blinds kind of open, that way when light comes in your internal clock will be triggered and you’ll wake up.
Avoiding pickpocketers
The most important thing when traveling is keeping your important stuff safe. Experts say that the safest place to put your things in is your front pocket. Also, do make sure your pockets have zippers.
A great idea, for example, is if you’re wearing a big enough jacket, to keep the most important stuff you won’t have to take out as often in one pocket, and the rest (like your phone, headphones…) in the other.
Find your way around using apps

This one is especially useful if you want to take public transportation and you’re in a country where you don’t know the language. Simply type your destination into an app like Google Maps, and it will tell you where to go, what line to take, how long you’re going to take and even what platform to get on.
It’s important you focus on the platform number, as numbers are universal. It will be much easier to find, rather than if you had to look for the name of the line. If in the end you’re still not finding your way around, just ask for help.
Images: Unsplash