Spending time with ourselves is super important. Traveling alone is an enriching experience that we all must try. Hence, to travel alone means to be extra-careful on your journey.
We have gathered some tips for you to stay safe when you travel alone. So go ahead, book that flight and enjoy spending time with yourself.
Trust Your Intuition

If it doesn’t feel right, don’t do it. Wether it’s a stroll in the park, or a taxi. Trust your intuition because senses sometimes perceive danger before we do. Although it’s important to try new things and be adventurous, don’t be reckless. You can say no to certain activities if you get a bad vibe from them. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that.
Learn About Your Destination

Read a bit about the city/country you will go to. This will help you get a sense of the culture and con games of the destination. when visiting somewhere, you must keep in mind that you need to adapt a bit to their traditions. If you are going to a conservative culture for example, make sure you don’t draw attention with your clothing and belongings. This will save you the trouble of looking like a tourist; and therefore, avoid schemes and overpriced things.
Minimize What You Carry With You

This is a very important point. Don’t walk at night alone flashing an expensive watch or phone. Once you get to know your destination a bit, keep in mind that looking rich might cost you a lot. Also don’t carry all your money at once, and you can ty to hide some inside your underwear if you want to have some extra cash.
Always Carry A Map

Carrying a map will not only help you not get lost, but to always know your exact location. If you ride in a cab, keep an eye on the road and check to see that you are going the right way. If you feel weird about something, claim it. People usually get scared when they see tourists being aware.
Don’t Be Too Friendly

I cannot stress this enough. Don’t be too friendly, and don’t mingle with random strangers. If you go out to a bar, always be careful where you put your drink, and stay conscious about the fact that you don’t know these people. Moreover, if anyone asks you to hold something for them, always say no. You can still be a kind, good person and still look after yourself.
Photos: Pixabay