Thinking about our planet is becoming increasingly important, given how bad we’ve been treating it throughout the last couple of decades. Experts are saying the Earth is dying, and we have to do something about it.
With the “flygskam” movement of not taking flights because of the carbon footprint they have has come a great awareness of conscious-traveling. We realize it can sometimes become a difficult task, which is why we bring you these tips to make eco-friendly traveling more approachable.
Stay in one place for longer
We don’t even have to mention how much we all like traveling. However, in order for it to be more eco-friendly, it’s key you try to travel less, but extend your stay as much as possible according to your budget. A great option is choosing to stay at an ecological property in exchange of land work. It’s also super rewarding!

Travel closer to home
This one is probably the hardest. None of us like to stay too close. We usually want to explore the recondite corners of the world. However, it is true that there are many factors influencing the amount of fun you have during a trip, and the distance is usually not one of them.
There are so many beautiful destinations close to where you live, you just have to open your eyes for them. It’s much more eco-friendly to drive for a couple of hours to get somewhere.
Eat locally
It’s often very tempting to want to eat out at chain restaurants and other similar places. However, it’s much more important you look for the ecological ones. You can also cook yourself, and buy the ingredients at local markets. A good tip to bear in mind is looking for vegetarian restaurants whenever possible, they usually work with seasonal and local products.

Sustainable traveling
The type of transport you decide to choose is also very important. Short flights are what is causing the largest carbon footprint. In trips shorter than 1000 kilometres it’s much better to travel either by train or by bus. In fact, the best transport you can take is the bus: it’s the cheapest and most efficient medium.
However, the best thing you can do above all is walking. It emits zero CO2 gases. As does going around by bike. It’s super environmental-friendly, plus, you get to see the whole city you’re visiting from close up.
Images: Unsplash