Take a moment to think about how often you’ve thought going to school is ridiculous, and not just because you were a child that preferred playing with your friends.
Can you remember those endless hours of studying just to “vomit” everything on a piece of paper? Being judged by a grade? You can probably think of many more issues our education system has.
A new approach to education

Well, you’re not the only one who has given this a thought. In fact, there are people who have even decided to take their children out of school, and thus, change their teaching approach entirely. This new way of educating has been given the name of “worldschooling“.
Children start to learn outside the classroom

These worldly people have decided to bring up their children according to their own morals and values, like globalization, diversity and solidarity. Along with these values goes a whole different lifestyle: leaving behind the classroom and exploring the world.
Why opt for this lifestyle
Seeing more of the world than just your home town, and being in contact with other cultures on a daily basis has turned out to be very enriching for human beings. It allows you to learn values and common practices you wouldn’t otherwise, like for example, in a classroom.

“Worldschooling” is based on the thought that, in reality, the hard thing is not to learn anything, as we start learning on the moment we are born; it’s innate.
Social media boom
The practice of “worldschooling” is not exactly new, and some families have been doing it for many years already. However, with the advance of technology the word has been able to spread along, encouraging many more people to try out this lifestyle.
Websites and blogs
“Worldschooling” families have started up blogs and websites to spread knowledge about their travels: they write about tips and tricks, and many other things they believe people might find interesting.
An example of such blogs is WorldTravelFamily. In it, they offer everything you need to know on “worldschooling”: from the gear you might need to locations you can visit.
It’s not just for “the rich”
Alongside the thousands of positive reactions, there also have risen many haters bashing against this lifestyle. Their main concern is that it’s not available for everyone, as they don’t believe you can make money with it.

However, truth is that “worldschoolers” limit their goods by traveling in a caravan, which allows them to travel around the world. They also tend to build up online businesses, as it’s the most practical way of earning money. An excellent choice for the digitalized world we live in.
Photos: Unsplash and Instagram