If you’re reading this article you probably have the travel-bug inside of you, just like we do. It’s likely we don’t have to even talk about how wonderful low cost flights are, they are definitely what keep us going! Last minute deals or sudden discounts allow us to leave our routines for a bit and go out to see the world. However, this might come to an end very soon.
Bye-bye bargains
You’ve probably come across some incredible bargains along the way. Oftentimes, transatlantic flights turned out to be cheaper than much shorter flights. The rise of low cost airlines has allowed most of us to visit the other side of the world, which wouldn’t have been possible before these amazingly cheap flights.

The optimum time
This year has become the optimum year for traveling on a budget. Low cost flights have gone through the roof thanks to the inauguration of two massive airports in Istanbul and Beijing, added to the drop in cost of petroleum.
In favor of climate change
Unfortunately, this luxury might just come to an end very soon. From 2020 onwards, airlines will have to take responsibility for their greenhouse gas emissions.

Ticket prices will skyrocket
This poses a cost that will most likely backfire on the plane ticket prices. The UK has already announced that they will, in fact, increase passenger taxes from all of their airlines.
Because of this price increase now is the optimum time to travel. If you don’t do it this year you might not be able to do it in the future. So here you have this in case you needed any other excuses to travel: this is your perfect argument!
Images: Unsplash