Have you ever felt that you need an escape from your life? you know, leaving your hometown, your country, and your older self and just start over? Well, although it might seem like a fairytale, it’s not.
Leaving your comfort zone is undoubtedly, one of the biggest achievements in life. When I was 16 years old, I left my country to go live abroad, on my own. The result? a life changing experience. Here is what leaving your comfort zone does to you.
It Opens Your Eyes

Not only your eyes, but it opens your heart as well. You embark on a journey of the unknown, not knowing what you might encounter. There is a saying ”Everything you want is on the other side of fear”. So, when you let go of all those constraints, you will find out so much more about yourself.
Furthermore, when you leave your comfort zone, you discover the world based on your own standards. There is no one there to remind you of your mistakes, failures or anything that doesn’t bring you joy. You can literally be anything you want!
You Learn A Lot

In addition to seeing the world through a different perspective, you also learn a whole lot of new things. You taste new food, you interact with new people, you learn to fight off your anxiety...etc. The learning process when you leave your comfort zone doesn’t end. In fact, you just keep on growing. Although it could be hard at times, you know that those experiences will let you come out stronger than ever before.
Helps You Make Forever Friends

When you leave your comfort zone, one of the hardest parts is leaving what you know. Your family and friends, your favorite coffee shop, and basically everything you are used to do. However, you will soon realize how much you needed a break from what you’ve known your entire life. Once you leave, you will never be the same again. You will learn to interact with new people, make different plans, discover new favorite spots… There will be people who will come to your life and become irreplaceable.
Challenges Everything You Know

Consequently, making new friends and doing new things will challenge everything you know. I mean, how could it not? You are basically starting over, forging the person that you always wanted, detached from all the expectations that were made for you by your parents, community and society in general. Prepare yourself to become a whole new person, and probably a person that you will like a lot.
Makes You A Better Person

Yes, everyone who has experienced living abroad on their own reported the same conclusion. They cameback and felt like they don’t fit in. Not because everything changed, because in reality nothing really changed- you did! Furthermore, without even realizing it, you have become different, and usually better. Thanks to the struggles, the nights you cry yourself to sleep because you miss your family, and the moments you shared with people who have become your home, away from home.
You Outgrow Your Surroundings

Most importantly, leaving and coming back will make you understand what a fruitful experience you have had! because not only that you feel more mature, independent and stronger, but you’ll notice how all your friends are still the same. You will slowly start adopting your own habits, and resort to doing things that make you happy.
The truth is, leaving your comfort zone means becoming a new person. Actually, it’s deciding that you really want to know who you truly are, and unleash your real self and just be happier.
Photos: Pixabay, Unsplash