As the world is still battling the second wave of coronavirus, traveling restrictions are becoming tighter than ever. Moreover, most countries re-opened for tourism this summer with or without restrictions. However, given the current situations, safety measures have been tightened almost everywhere! But these 5 countries are by far, the ones with the tightest covid restrictions for travelers.

France’s president had recently announced a new lockdown in the country after declaring the state of emergency. This country in the heart of Europe was among the firsts to re-open this summer. However, with the rising number of coronavirus cases and deaths, it’s understandable why the French have the tightest covid restrictions in place.
Furthermore, these restrictions include: No tourists allowed, only nationals or ”special certificate holder.” Anyone entering the country from abroad needs to provide a recent negative PCR, and quarantine for 14 days.

Following the footsteps of France, the gate from Europe to Africa remains closed since March. However, in order to reactivate the economy, Moroccan authorities decided to resume air travel under certain conditions.
First, only Moroccan nationals are allowed in for the moment. This includes Moroccans who were stuck abroad during the first lockdown, or Moroccan residents of others countries. In addition to providing a negative PCR of less than 48 hours, Morocco requires travelers to provide the serological test as well.

Although Argentina is still less hit than Brazil, travelers are facing some of the tightest covid restrictions. The country is not opened for tourism, and worse, citizens are not allowed to leave the country unless for an emergency. Although airports are not officially closed, they are practically empty in the absence of flights.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau decided to alert health services for scanning at the airport. In fact, although Canada followed the same actions of the previous countries, they leveraged quick detection of the virus. For that, they’ve also tightened their border with the US, and require a negative PCR and quarantine. In addition, an official health form must be filled upon arrival, to make sure no sick people cross the border.

Last but not least, the birthplace of the pandemic is definitely the country with the tightest traveling restrictions. Actually, many people criticized China’s ability to control the virus, but no one really paid attention to the ”how.” In fact, although the country is not fully reopened for tourism, travelers who have recently been to China tell the story.
Photos: Freepik.