Your next trip is approaching, and you are counting the days to hop on that plane and take off. The excitement of traveling is incomparable, especially when you don’t have to worry about how to pack your carry-on. In fact, our least favorite moment is actually packing that carry on bag. We never know what to put in it, and we often end up rushing it, that we don’t even remember where we put the things we need. We have prepared for you these helpful tips to efficiently pack your carry on bag/suitcase.
Choose The Right Bag/Suitcase

This is definitely the most important piece of advice out there. Knowing how much your suitcase weighs is crucial, since it allows you to know how much space you have. Since most airlines restrict carry on bags weight to 15-20 kg per person, if you pick a bag that already weighs 3 kg without anything, is a waste of extra-space. Therefore, make sure to choose a handy suitcase or bag (best go with an over the shoulders, or a back pack) to ensure filling all the space you ought to get.
Make a List

Writing down what you need to do will help you organize your carry-on better. Actually, it will also help you realize wether you need to add more things, or give up others. Try making a list of essentials that you need to carry with you, especially when taking a long flight. Either way, make sure to pack a pair of socks, some underwear and your toothbrush and some deodorant just in case.
Organization Is Key

In addition to making a list, knowing how to organize those items is very important. For example, start with heavy fabric clothes, then your gadgets. You should also keep in mind that you will need to get some things out at the security control checkpoint. Therefore, leave your passport, glasses and ticket last or put them in a separate pocket.
Prepare Ahead Of Time

There is absolutely nothing worse than having to pack your carry-on last minute. In fact, you will end up so stressed and worried you might’ve forgot something. I guess if we have learned anything from Home Alone, is that don’t leave anything last minute.
Roll Your Clothes

Finally, the rolling technique does wonders. Actually, it almost allows you to double the number of items inside the same space. Roll your clothes and squeeze them together. You can also put all your toiletries in one bag, close it, and put it in between the rolled clothes. PS: You can always leave a sweater or jacket to keep with you as you will probably need it at some point.
Photos: Pixabay.