If you have traveled lately, it is most probable that you have done it by plane. Of course, less travel time means getting there faster, means more vacations, right? However, despite the various benefits of traveling by air, it’s not always a pleasurable experience. In fact, we recommend that you start traveling by train. Why? Keep reading these reasons why you should travel by train more often.
Forget About Waiting

You arrive at the airport two hours before your flight, check in, go through security, and you will still have time to wait a lot for boarding. Optimistically speaking, and if you do not find yourself with a delay or ”technical problems” of course. However, when traveling by train, things are simplified. You arrive 15 or 20 minutes in advance to the station, validate your tickets and ride. Fast, without spinning and without infinite waiting. In addition, despite going “ashore” you will not suffer the traffic jams that always accompany car travel.
The Same Price Almost Always

The reason why flight comparators have become so used is because of the huge variety of prices you can find for the same trip. From practically gifted flights to prices that would mean your full salary. Trains, however, hardly see their price changed throughout the year. And, although it is true that, as a rule, they are somewhat expensive, you can always take advantage of the times of the year where discounts are offered. Although that “high” price assures you that, regardless of the chosen date, you will not be surprised when buying your ticket.
Travel Comfortably

In addition to a stable price and little waiting, train journeys offer something unique. And is that the train is the means of transport that offers you more freedom during the trip. There are no seat belts that leave you chained to your seat. In addition, trains are way more comfortable since the seats are usually more than spacious and you have the possibility to walk through the wagons. Moreover, they usually have a restaurant cart on board for food and beverages. And, unlike airplanes, the food is not that terrible, you have better options, and you don’t have to cry when you pay for premium services.
Beautiful Scenery

Yeah, obviously if you catch a sunset over the clouds that is beautiful, but what are the odds of getting a window-seat? In fact, even though flights are much quicker to get you there, trains offer you a different kind of traveling. You don’t spend the whole trip staring at people or walls, but at beautiful scenery. Moreover, there are some exotic and unique trains journeys you can take, such as the Channel tunnel. Have you heard about it? it’s an underwater train ride connecting Paris and London. How about that as a reason you should take the train more often?
Photos: Pixabay, Unsplash.