As you have probably heard by now, some countries have imposed a total lockdown. As a consequence, many people had to either cancel all their travel plans, or go ahead with them and end up blocked at the destination. To keep the long story short, it is no secret to anyone that traveling at the moment is not a good idea. In fact, the tourism industry is already taking a big hit, and airlines are struggling to keep their schedules.
Moreover, even though travel restrictions are not yet made universal, these are few countries that have declared emergency state, and took extraordinary precautions. These are 4 among many countries you can’t visit, for the time being.

The second hardest-hit country with Coronavirus, in Europe. As an attempt to contain the fast-spreading virus, the government announced on Friday, that the country will be on lockdown for 15 days. This means the shut-down of all leisure spots, public parks, as well as restaurants, bars and nightclubs. In addition to this, it is forbidden to be in the street without a valid reason. National police are fining everyone outside of their home to ”take a walk” with 100-600 euros.

Just less than 24 hours after Spain declared emergency state, the French president Emmanuel Macron announced similar measures. In a televised official announcement, he declared that all schools, universities and public spaces will be closed. He urged citizens to stay indoor as much as possible, in order to stop propagating the virus, as the death toll keeps increasing.

Morocco started with closing all entering flights from Spain and France, as well as any maritime connection with both countries. Moroccan authorities have strangely only announced 8 cases before ordering the shut down. However, many of Moroccans living abroad tried to flee their country of residence, and enter to Morocco. As a consequence, in just 24 hours, Morocco’s confirmed cases jumped to 28. Amid the raise of cases and in fear of facing similar crisis as in neighboring countries, Morocco caught-off all international flights starting March 16, and until further notice. This means that you can not visit right now, and all Moroccans abroad at the moment are stuck there for the moment.

The major damage in Europe has definitely been done in Italy. Not only that their death toll is plumping, but the cases do not cease to increase. The government has imposed a national quarantine, and no one can enter or leave Italy right now. If you have plans to visit Italy in the near future, you should think about canceling them already. Italy is definitely one of the countries you can’t visit right now, and since these are difficult times for everyone, taking a break from traveling may be best!
Photos: Pixabay, CDC.