Black Friday is one the most awaited days of the whole year. Following thanksgiving, this day represents the inauguration of Christmas shopping. Although the idea of Black Friday started in the US, it has spread to the rest of the world over the years.
However, being part of this day creates a lot of pressure among shopping lovers. It has become associated with long queue, and even some fighting over the best bargain deals of the day. If it’s your first Black Friday in the US, here are some tips for you to survive this hectic shopping day.
Do Your Research

Before you even step foot in the mall, know your itinerary. Plan ahead what shops you want to buy, and what stores you want to go into. This will give you the advantage of navigating quickly through stores, especially if the mall is quite big. You will also spend less time in each store, and get to do more shopping.
Plan Your Budget And Stick To It

This is a very important tip. When we see items on a 50% sale, we tend to go crazy. However, be smart about it. Not al items that are on sale are worth buying. for example, think to yourself if you really need such a purchase. Be aware that Black Friday is at the end of the day, another form of marketing. They create need where there isn’t any. So, set your budget as well as your needs, and stick to them. You will see how easy it is when you have a targeted shopping list and a fixed budget.
Go Early To Avoid Waiting in Line

Here is a heads up for you : Most Americans choose to travel for Black Friday shopping spree. Therefore, they are super excited but yet, they don’t know the place that well. That’s why, they will choose to go as early as possible, and wait in line for the stores to open. To avoid waiting in line for hours (Yes, I do mean hours) just to enter, try to go in the early hours of morning. Some people will be there waiting from the night before. This is how crazy it gets.
Use Social Media/Apps

Americans are really keen on coupons and discounts. Most retail stores in the states offer online advantages for their consumers. If you are a ”newcomer” to this culture, then get ready. We advice you to check your favorite stores’ websites and social media accounts. Sometimes, they will be offering even more promotions and sales online. Also, make sure to download some handy apps such as PriceGrabber and Pricewatch, to compare prices and get special discounts.
Avoid Unsafe Situations

There is no need to explain what stressed, sleep deprived, and rushed people are capable of. Black Friday is one of those days where human nature takes control over common sense. So much traffic, everything is crowded, and people can get impatient and rude. To avoid hostility on your first shopping in the US, don’t clash with people. Do not fight for the last items, do not let go of your purchases, and keep your valuables close (that also includes kids.) On you way out, pay extra-attention in the parking lot, as rushed Black Friday shoppers aren’t the best stewards of pedestrian safety.
Photos: Pixabay, unsplash