Going on a study abroad program is a life-changing experience! Not only do you leave your comfort zone to shape who you are, but you also get to discover this beautiful world. Europe, is one f the most picked destinations for Erasmus students. In fact, the European Union does allow an easy navigation between most European countries. Therefore, it may even surprise you how easy and cheap you can travel around Europe, while being on Erasmus. Here are few things to keep in mind as an Erasmus student in Europe.
You Don’t Need To Fly

The best part about being within the Schengen space, is that you don’t always need to fly to travel. In fact, in times when flights may be expensive, you can easily opt for other alternatives. Various companies offer bus rides connecting European countries. For example, you can take a bus to go from Madrid to Paris, and from Paris to Berlin. In most cases, buses offer a cheap and a relatively comfortable trip, and they often allow you to skip waiting in line for security controls at the airport.
In addition, trains also give you the opportunity to travel between European countries. Although bit more expensive than buses, but they take less time. Actually, there is widely used concept of Interrail Global Pass, which offers you to visit several countries while spending your nights on the train going from one place to another.
Your Student Card Gives You Traveling Discounts

Erasmus students get to benefit from many discounts, thanks to their student cards. In fact, the discounts apply to transport, travel, food and events. One in your host country, ask your school for your student card, as they usually have them prepared before hand.
No Need For Visas

Obviously, this doesn’t apply to all countries, nor all nationalities. However, the majority of countries in Europe allow you to travel with your residency card, or whatever document you obtain in order to live in the respective country. If you are lucky enough to be an Erasmus student in Europe, enjoy the opportunity of being as many countries as you can.
You Can Go On Group Trips
Finally, one great advantage of being on Erasmus in Europe, is getting to meet many many people. Usually, Erasmus students organize different events to get acquainted, and often end up organizing trips together. Join groups like ESN on social media, and check their programs out.
Photos: ESN, Pixabay.